About Me

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I am currently studying Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary / VET). My employment history includes, trainer and training coordinator for business, retail, hospitality, literacy and numeracy courses. I enjoy teaching and have decided to take the next step. On a personal note, my husband and 2 children are the reason why I strive to be the best I can be. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Learning Managment Systems (LMS)

A Learning Management System is a "single piece of software that provides a platform for online learning content and communication tools, it is used to deliver a blend of traditional classroom instruction and Online delivery, it allows easy management of the learning materials and tracking of student learning, it is used by students, teachers and administrators, and it supports a collaborative learning community and Multiple modes of learning" (Culley, 2006).

Allows teachers to to use a range of online learning tools in the one program,. The teacher can monitor student participation and ensure all students have access to the same information. Highly password protected to ensure information integrity, security and access only to authorised people.

Offers a range of levels of access to the information and the teacher who has access to all information may code the level of access to a document or area incorrectly and not realise because they see it on their screen and assume that students can as well. In order for LMS to be highly beneficial the teacher needs to have a good grasp of ICT and the ability to upload all of the required information. Also teachers need to be vigilant in checking students and student comments or it can seem like a black hole to students. The program is expensive with MIT report showing "C/LMS operating costs ranged between $135,000 for Middlebury College to $1,330,000 for Berkeley with MIT at $547,550" (Landon, Henderson, & Poulin, 2006, p. 5) and it would not be viable to have the program for an isolated course. It would need whole of department or organisation implementation.

Main opportunity I feel is in high level education or for teachers to interact with each other for lower levels, as the students need to feel comfortable enough and knowledgeable enough to explore.

Students need the site to be highly structured, logical and easy to use. Unless it is carefully planned and orchestrated a teacher would be better off using a different mode for example a static website.

Compatibility to learning styles
Can be made compatible with most learning styles with careful consideration.

What learning theory it is most used for (links to this blog site)
LMS is mainly an interface so it depends on what information is uploaded, to what theory this can be used for.

Meaning to me
Although I see the huge benefit of LMS, I feel that it would need a organisation wide or at least a division wide focus on LMS for it to work successfully, and I feel that it is suited to senior students who have sufficient ICT knowledge to be able to cope with the program.

Culley, A. (2006). Learning Managment Systems. Retrieved 30 November, 2010, from http://www.instructionaldesign.com.au/Academic/Learning%20Management%20Systems.htm

Landon, B., Henderson, T., & Poulin, R. (2006). Peer comparison of course/learning management systems, course materials life cycle, and related costs: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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