About Me

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I am currently studying Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary / VET). My employment history includes, trainer and training coordinator for business, retail, hospitality, literacy and numeracy courses. I enjoy teaching and have decided to take the next step. On a personal note, my husband and 2 children are the reason why I strive to be the best I can be. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog

Monday, November 15, 2010

Learning Theory

“Skinner’s theory, operant conditioning shows that voluntary responses are strengthened when reinforced and weakened when ignored or punished” (Snowman, et al., 2009, p. 227) Behaviourism is based on actions having consequences, learning by association (e.g. smell of biscuits, is associated with kitchens and people who have cooked the biscuits previously with the person), designing a scenario to solicit a desired response (e.g. rearranging a room to gain a specific response) and gaining a desired response through reinforcing behaviour(e.g. computer games giving positive reinforcement). This theory underpins many computer based learning programs / applications (Snowman, et al., 2009, pp. 226-235)
Key Theorists

It is something that teachers do automatically and when used correctly has a great impact on student learning and behaviour. Behaviourism is highly used in ICT. It makes teachers look at the situation and plan it in a way to gain the desired response.

It does not look at the picture, the reason why a student is acting up and may not work for all students. It also highlights the impact of things that have happened to students in their lives and the impact it will have on the learning environment. E.g a student may have been burnt badly in the past, and will not participate in a cooking activity for fear of it happening again (negative conditioning) it would take a lot of effort to overcome some negative conditioning that has happened and might still be happening to a child out of school.

Integrated use in ICT, creating a positive reinforcement during tasks, selective attending to negative behaviour. Behaviourism is already widely used in teaching and used automatically in some instances.

If not understood and used correctly behaviourism shows how negative behaviour can be reinforced. Careful planning is needed

Personal reflection

Care is needed for planning and implementing learning to ensure the desired outcome will be achieved and negative behaviour is kept to a minimum.

Snowman, J., Dobozy, E., Scevak, J., Bryer, F., Bartlett, B., & Biehler. (2009). Psychology Applied to Teaching (Australian ed.). Milton: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

ATHERTON J S (2010) Learning and Teaching; Behaviourism [On-line] UK: Available: http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/behaviour.htm Accessed: 16 November 2010

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