About Me

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I am currently studying Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary / VET). My employment history includes, trainer and training coordinator for business, retail, hospitality, literacy and numeracy courses. I enjoy teaching and have decided to take the next step. On a personal note, my husband and 2 children are the reason why I strive to be the best I can be. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog

Monday, November 15, 2010


Based on students constructing their own meaning from tasks rather than just transferring knowledge. This is based on the premise that “meaningful learning is the active creation of knowledge structures (such as concepts, rules, hypotheses and associations) from personal experience” (Snowman, et al., 2009, p. 337)

Key Theorists
Dewey, Piaget and Bruner (Lein, n.d.).

Also Social Constructivism is constructivism but with a slightly different focus.

It will assist students in the real world where things are changing so fast that they will need to construct meaning to create new solutions to problems that do not currently exist.

Creates great problem solving ability in students, students are more engaged in their learning, builds self esteem; students see that they have the ability to complete tasks and gain knowledge. With Social Constructivism Zone of Proximal Distance can be used where a person with a higher level of knowledge can assist to construct knowledge by speaking in the students language and helping them see or build meaning and internalising information. Student works at own pace.

Can not be used with “hard and fast” lesson plans due to learning being at a students’ pace and ability level. Students need to be closely monitored to ensure they have correct understanding and are not misunderstanding and creating wrong assumptions about information.

Used in ICT when students construct meaning of topics and solve problems. E.g. creating a WikiBook, where students have to internalise information and display understanding. Creating a virtual world. Includes programs like MockShop where a student has to construct a shop.


Students need transfer skills, to be shown how the information learned can be transferred to learning and using other information.

Personal reflection

Constructivism is great to use, but will need careful planning, because I feel that it would be easy to think that a student is constructing information but is really regurgitating or not internalising the information. I feel it would be great to use in ICT with WikiBooks, Mockshop and maybe a virtual world with Avitars.

Lein, K. (n.d.). Elearning pedagogy. Retrieved from http://elearningpedagogy.com/index.html

Snowman, J., Dobozy, E., Scevak, J., Bryer, F., Bartlett, B., & Biehler. (2009). Psychology Applied to Teaching (Australian ed.). Milton: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

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