About Me

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I am currently studying Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary / VET). My employment history includes, trainer and training coordinator for business, retail, hospitality, literacy and numeracy courses. I enjoy teaching and have decided to take the next step. On a personal note, my husband and 2 children are the reason why I strive to be the best I can be. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog

Monday, December 6, 2010

Uploading Pictures

(I found this anonymous quote years ago, and have searched and searches say it is anonymous, so it is not referenced.) Photo of my children visiting relatives.

Follow this link to a great cartoon about pictures being worth 1,000 words (Project Management Unplugged Blog)

Pictures are a dynamic interface to help students to learn and express their knowledge and opinion. Photos can be digitally altered, animated, words can be added and are a lot of fun. Care needs to be taken to ensure copyright is not infringed as photos and images are still the property of the person who created them and ownership needs to be recognised. Photos can be resized through right clicking and sending via email, a box will pop up giving options for resizing, then you can either cut and paste or save as the smaller size.

Pictures reinforce learning and help construct meaning. Pictures are great for visual learners and people with a disability. Photos can be used in Websites, Blogs, and Microsoft programs they can also be linked to the original information or place you want the person to visit.

Care must be taken that pictures are not used for picture sake or the meaning you are trying to get across or achieve may be lost or misconstrued. Pictures are generally not be used in isolation they need to be used with a different interfaces or programs to be of the highest benefit to students. (Photos can be used in isolation for creative writing, where a teacher hold up a photo and students have to construct a story around the photo).

Photos should be used in all interfaces to enhance learning, websites or blog that have only writing are boring and tedious to read, pictures need to be relevant and help others to understand the information better or link the reader to information to gain knowledge. Even creating a logo helps people to understand and connect information. Logos when used correctly identify a brand or information so people know at a glance if the information can be relevant or in some instances trustworthy.

Pictures can not be used for the sake of a picture there must be a deeper meaning. Also if too many pictures are used the words will be lost.

Compatibility to learning styles
Visual learners and people with a disability are the main compatible styles but will assist all styles if used or taught correctly.

What learning theory it is most used for (links to this blog site)
Photos can be used in a multiple of ways that use different learning theories, examples include

Meaning to me
Photos are an essential part of learning and constructing meaning and must be used in presentations to ensure the do not get boring and as a means of ensuring the information is transferred. It is important to check the entire photo or picture to ensure no confidential information is passed to the wrong people (I had to block out the licence plate of the vehicle).

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