About Me

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I am currently studying Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary / VET). My employment history includes, trainer and training coordinator for business, retail, hospitality, literacy and numeracy courses. I enjoy teaching and have decided to take the next step. On a personal note, my husband and 2 children are the reason why I strive to be the best I can be. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog

Monday, November 29, 2010

Microsoft Power Point


Power point is a great tool to create presentations. Presentations can be as intricate or simple as you like, you can make presentations including slideshows and interactive quizzes (even more with your imagination). Because it is part of the Microsoft suite of programs the toolbars are easy to use and navigate.

Good tool that you can have prepared earlier to either show to entire class or just for selected students that need extra assistance. Due to the versatile nature you can create lots of different presentations. Students can create a presentation and it will be less threatening as they have time to go over their work and voice over until they are happy with the outcome. Students can demonstrate their creativity.

Static nature, only really can be used to impart information or for students to create a presentation to show others.

Students that feel threatened by standing up in front of the class talking can complete an oral presentation through a power point. Students to create quizzes to try and "trick" other students. Power points can be used effectively as a way to demonstrate information or tasks online.

Powerpoint creation can be time consuming, students can get caught up in the process and may not fulfill requirements of task (ensure excellent task planning and that students do basic slides first and then fill in details - maybe a due date for the basic version a couple of weeks before the final).

Compatibility to learning style
Excellent for visual learners and students with disabilities as it allows them time to plan and process. Great tool for students with low self esteem or those that feel uncomfortable delivering oral presentations.

What learning theory it is most used for (links to this blog site)
PowerPoint can be used in a multiple of ways that use different learning theories, examples include

Meaning to me
Powerpoint is a wonderful tool that I have used for many years. Now I can grow my skills so much more, before starting this course I did not know about the quiz function. I can definitely see myself using powerpoint in the classroom. I still need to do more research to see if the answers can be tallied or have a certificate print out at the end.


  1. Thank you for your analysis. PowerPoint is a great tool for use in the classroom, I especially like the option of creating an outline view in word, then sending to PowerPoint. This is a great way to scaffold a presentation for students with learning difficulties. The information to be included on each slide, is set out for the student, this may also ensure the content is covered before colour, images and slide transitions are added. It is useful for students who feel uncomfortable presenting orally to have the opportunity to record a voiceover to present to the class. Like yourself, I feel I will use PowerPoint in the classroom, especially for designing interactive items.

  2. You have given me even more to think about, I have never created an outline view in word and sent it to PowerPoint. I have cut and paste into a slide and modified but not in the outline view, thank you, I will have to try this technique. Thank you for your comment.
